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Right Direction

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  • 2 min read

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

Recently, I took a road trip across America and had the opportunity to hike in the Fort Davis Mountains. The exciting thing about hikes is it gives you time to reflect and drink in God’s creation. And, if you’re alone as I was, it gives you time to be with God in the moment.

That’s really the only way to experience God – in the present. The trail I hiked was rustic. Sometimes I wondered whether I was on the path at all. Many times I had to stop and look around to find where the trail continued.

Our life journey is like that unmarked trail. Frequently, we find ourselves unsure of the direction God has laid out for us. Sometimes we have to stop and look around, get our bearings, pray, listen, and continue. Our job is to keep moving and trusting. God will show us what to do and where to go in the moment.

A similar situation occurred the other day while running my Saturday morning miles. It had rained, and it wasn’t until I got right up to a puddle on the sidewalk or road that I could decide on how to get around it. That’s how it is with God, too. He sometimes gives us an answer beforehand, but more often, it’s not until we’re in the moment that God reveals the direction we’re to take.

So what have I learned from these lessons? God wants us to move out in faith and trust him to give us what we need when the moment arrives. He wants us to ask for our “daily bread.” Not more. We need to show movement so God can show us direction. If we just sit waiting, God can’t guide us. We have to be moving even if it’s in the wrong direction. Tony Evans writes that God uses even the detours in our lives to teach us and grow us. Movement is critical – keep moving! God will be there, and he will direct us.

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