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Hope Versus Fear

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  • 2 min read

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

I must say I was more than a little down this morning. I did not run my usual Monday morning miles. Instead, I turned over and tried to sleep. But all I did was think, “What am I doing?” and “Am I doing the right thing?” and “How is what I’m embarking on glorying the LORD?” and “Am I just doing this ministry for my own recognition?”

So, after reading my devotionals, I jumped in my truck and headed to the beach. There were a lot of people on the beach: kids playing, girls and boys walking the shore, old men with their stomachs hanging over their swimsuits (used to be me), and moms with their very white babies.

And, there was the water and sky and clouds and sand. Lots and lots of sand. And, water!

As I looked at all the people, I wondered who else was thinking about the LORD in that moment. Am I worrying so much about pleasing the LORD that I’m missing what He has for me?

I came to the conclusion later in the day that God just wants me to rest in His presence and enjoy my journey. He will direct path. My task is to step out and keep going; have trust and have faith and let the LORD lead.

I feel better now!

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