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Just Another Day

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  • 2 min read

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118.24

“Just another day,” I say.

Some of my friends add a bit more, “Just another day in paradise.”

And others answer when I ask how they’re doing with “Living the dream!”

Really? Their sarcasm speaks volumes about how many of us walk through each day. Our habits, our culture, our attitudes have invaded our days and each day we awake to a life that repeats itself – same as yesterday.

But this week I started something new. Instead of waking up to just another day, I started asking God what new opportunities I can find. For example, rather than be annoyed with my Indian teammates interrupting first thing in the morning, I show grace and listen to them. I thank them for the work they do while I’m sleeping. I show the LOVE!

Also, I notice the sunshine. I even go outside and feel the warmth. Or, if it’s raining – smell the rain. I ran a different route on my Saturday morning run. I took a walk Thursday night instead of binging on TV.

As the Scripture verse says – let us rejoice and be glad in it! Each day we live, we get to LIVE! Look for new things to do and pray that God gives you awareness. You will find incredible hidden jewels each and every day – it just takes perception. Seek the opportunities – explore new things and most of all, tell those close to you that you love them! Make just another day the best day yet!

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