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Meet Your Photographer

Hi! I'm Mic

Welcome! My name is Michael Newsome; my friends call me Mic. I will also answer to Mick, Mike, Michael, and Miguel. I know what you’re thinking – this guy has an identity issue. My true identity, though, rests in Jesus Christ. For several years, I placed my identity in career, family, bad habits, finances, and everything other than my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That changed five or six years ago when I let God take control of my life.

I finally realized my way wasn’t working and renewed my relationship with the Lord. I began taking God’s commands in Scripture seriously and living it out daily. That’s how I came to my logo – “mic james.” Looking closely, you’ll see “1.22” in my logo. This refers to James 1:22 in the Bible – “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

I sat too many years in church on Sunday mornings listening to messages, then leaving and giving what I heard no second thought. Now, I enjoy listening to my pastor’s messages from Scripture, having a time of personal Scripture reading, devotion, and prayer every morning, and meeting with my small group to study, fellowship, and pray. I don’t stop there! I try daily to live a life of obedience to Jesus and serving others.

How am I a doer in my daily walk? I carry the message of love and hope to all I meet. The Lord has given me a few gifts as well. Photography and writing are the two I focus on the most. I enjoy helping others tell their story through photographic images. And I enjoy writing about what the Lord has taught me in Scripture and my daily walk with Him. I also enjoy helping others with the art of photography, their personal walk with Jesus, or just leaning into the everyday experiences we call life.

Again, welcome to my site. Browse around, read my articles, and look at my photos. If you are around the Gulf Coast of Alabama, schedule a photo session with me or just a time for coffee to talk about life.

“Following Jesus and serving others with love, compassion, and humility.”


Just a bit more about Mic

Live on the Gulf Coast of Alabama  

Worked 47 years in the tech industry  

MS Degree in Computer Science  

Currently single  

My passions are writing, photography, and music  

I love exploring, including hiking and backpacking  

Two kids and two grandkids  

Member of 3Circle Church  

Caring for my 91-year-old Mom