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Spring Cleaning

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  • 1 min read

A few days ago, I read this in my Bob Goff devotional …

“To push back against my hoarder tendencies, every time I move, I give away as much as I can and vow to keep space open for more beautiful things to be added. If we want to make room for more beautiful things to be added to our lives, we have to get rid of some of the old stuff. This doesn’t just apply to the physical things. It applies to the hurts and memories we collect over time.”

I think sometimes we like collecting the hurts and bad memories so we can use them like weapons – weapons of regret on ourselves and weapons of unforgiveness on those who caused the pain. But, if we allow ourselves to “clean house” and make room in our hearts and minds, we can replace the old stuff with love and forgiveness.

I have found that new things are a lot more fun. Holding unto the OLD drags you down like dead weight. So, it’s time for Spring cleaning.

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