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Wise Instruction

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  • 2 min read

Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Proverbs 8:33

I have four favorite authors that have greatly influenced my life over the last few years. My primary resource and guide is the Holy Bible, of course, but it is always good to have wise counsel.

Kate Merrick is author of “and Still She Laughs” and ” Here, Now”. “Here, Now” is the book that put me back on track and pursuing a new life of connection with others. This book has in it a paragraph that is the absolute best words on ‘presence’ that I have ever read. Kate is an awesome writer. Please, read her books. Warning: they may make you cry.

Bob Goff has written several books. I have read three of them. He is both inspirational and motivational. He teaches that “LOVE” conquers all. I totally agree to the point of starting a ministry and writing about how love is motivating me to pursue a life of loving others at all costs.

Billy Graham is my hero right behind Jesus Christ. What can I say about Mr. Graham? I had the privilege of attending one of his crusades many years ago and his teachings have influenced me ever since. Lately, I have been reading his daily devotionals which keep me grounded each and every day.

My most recent discovery is Paul David Tripp. His devotional, “New Morning Mercies”, causes me to THINK deep down about my heart condition. He writes that God’s grace and mercy are definitely our free gifts and our response should be praise, worship, and gratitude. Our lives should be the story of God and not an autobiography about us.

I hope these authors do not mind my brief descriptions of their works. They have affected me tremendously in how I think and live and love. Mostly, how I LOVE.

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