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A Fork in the Road

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  • 2 min read

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

Today I set off on a 3 to 4-week journey taking me to St. George, Utah. I am traveling to meet some friends running in the St. George Marathon. I am mostly camping along the way though I’ll be in a hotel a few days in Utah.

My first stop is Memphis, Tennessee, to visit Graceland and other exciting sites. I’ve been a bit anxious about this trip, but the drive to Memphis was pleasurable and event-free. I even took the opportunity to stop in Tupelo, Mississippi, to see the house where Elvis Presley was born.

Once at the campground, I paid very close attention to how I should set up the tent since I’ll be doing it several times over the next few weeks. Then I had dinner and had time to think afterward.

My main thought replayed many times is how much do I trust God. You see, I’m taking this trip solo, at least in the human sense. But, I know God is present with me. He is guiding me, and he is instructing me. What I’m learning most is to be alone. That doesn’t mean I’m lonely. I’m alone and quiet so that I can hear the LORD’s voice.

Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) is a fantastic invention. Today Google directed me on a route that had a train stopped across the road. With a click of a button, I had a new course.

God redirects my course, too, in the spiritual sense. When I make a wrong turn or come to a fork in the road, if I listen to Him, He provides the grace to get me headed in the right direction again. There will be easy days on this trip, and I know to expect some obstacles as well. But, I’m learning to be still and quiet and pray and listen to my LORD. He will light my path.

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