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Love Foretold

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  • 2 min read

All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

I am reading the chronological Bible this year, and today I finished the Old Testament. It is quite interesting reading the Bible in this way. Some events and stories are shared by two more or more books, and it’s nice knowing the timeline they occur.

What am I learning reading the Scriptures this way? I am learning God knows the complete story. He knows my story. He knows your story. And, I’m learning He won’t give up on us. Just like having the patience with the Israelites, he has patience with us. He made a promise to Abraham, and God is still carrying out that promise today.

Even though we mess up like the Israelites, God still pours His grace on us and loves us. He loves us so much He can’t sit by and let us perish. He has patience for us, so we can learn. He disciplines us, so we can learn. He gives us grace, so we can learn. We can never achieve salvation on our own, so God has done all these things for us by sending Jesus foretold in the Old Testament. Did I say God loves us?

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