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No Doubt

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  • 2 min read

"And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things take place because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time."

Luke 1:20

I am on a journey. My road trip is as much about my spiritual life as it is about my traveling to scenic places here in the United States. I am learning that “doubt” is a significant part of my life and that I need to eradicate it.

I began reading the New Testament a few days ago, and the first story is about the birth of John, the Baptist. An angel comes to Zechariah to tell him that Elizabeth, his wife, will have a child. Zechariah could not believe this because Elizabeth was past the child-bearing years, and it would be impossible in Zechariah’s mind. So, the angel made him mute until John was born.

I think I’m like Zechariah in many ways. How often do I doubt what God can do? I say I trust the LORD, but do I? I take the reins of my life and travel a path that often leads me on a detour. Controlling my destiny is impossible and harmful. The consequences are just too heavy.

This road trip is teaching me to let go. Let go of my fears, let go of my finances (again), and let go of my plans. Instead, I’m continuing to learn to trust God and have no doubt that He can do the impossible and see me through.

My prayer is to trust in you, LORD, no matter how impossible it seems to me!

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