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What Gets You Excited?

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  • 3 min read

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking the bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Acts 2.46-47

What gets you excited? Seeing your kid score a soccer goal? Maybe it’s your favorite football team scoring the winning points in the last seconds of a game? Excitement for you might be going to a concert headlining a famous rock band or going on that exotic vacation with your spouse.

What if I ask what excitement level going to church brings you? How about reading the Bible? How about worshipping the LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ? What excitement does that instill in you compared to other life activities?

I get it! There are so many things vying for our attention in our fast-paced world, and it’s hard to keep up and focus. I am reading Billy Graham’s “Hear My Heart: What I Would Say to You.” Asked near the end of his life what he most regretted, Billy Graham answered not reading the Bible more. Here is a man who was an astute Bible reader and scholar making that statement.

I mentioned before I attend 3 Circle Church in Daphne, Alabama. The LORD showed me in many ways that this is where I belong for this season of my life. One reason is our pastor is a Bible geek, and he’ll tell you so himself if asked. He shows absolute excitement when he gives messages on Sunday, using the Word of God to instruct us on daily living. Chris Bell, our pastor, is even more excited about Jesus Christ and wants us to join in on that excitement. Why not? Jesus is God incarnate and has saved all of us who put our faith and trust in Him from eternal destruction. I get really excited about that.

I have incorporated a few things into my life that help me get excited daily about what the Lord, Jesus Christ, has done for me. I have a quiet time each morning where I read the Bible, devotionals (currently three), and pray. I end the day reading Scripture, as well. My Mom has been calling me Pollyanna lately. (I’m going to watch the movie to verify if she’s accurate.) It’s because of the joy and excitement I have knowing Jesus is with me, and it is an eternal relationship. How can I not be excited about that? Join me – we’ll have a blast!

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